Archive for the ‘child pornography’ Category


The Teachings of Internet Pornography

February 11, 2009

Caroline Norma in response to this article by Helen Razer.

Lessons in internet pornography Helen Razer is lucky she doesn’t live in China. The Chinese government last week shut down 244 pornography sites in a rolling campaign that it declares will be ‘no flash in the pan’. The Chinese government has made a bold public commitment to follow though on a promise to monitor and suppress the distribution of pornography, not just through the internet, but also via ‘mobile phone games, online novels and radio programs’ (

How would Razer fare as a Chinese woman living under a government that restricts the ability of its citizens to see pictures of men sexually penetrating women in a thousand different ways, using a thousand different implements? Razer is already worried that the Rudd government’s plan to suppress the distribution of child pornography will interfere with her pornography consumption. Imagine if Australia followed China’s lead and even suppressed pornography made out of women. Imagine the constraints that this would impose on Razer’s life!

Read the whole article on the STOP Australia blog. It is totally worth the read.


Joss Whedon is so unbelievably sick

February 10, 2009

Just read part of the Season 8 Buffy comic in the library today and I am still dry retching. EWWWWWWWWW!!!!!





Repeat after me kiddies: “Pornography is not fracking empowering.”

Lesbian porn for male gratification is fucking sick. Besides DYKES DO NOT LOOK LIKE THIS JOSS WHEDON YOU PERVERT!!!!

Showing teenage girls in their underwear is fucked in the head. YOU ARE A CHILD PORNOGRAPHER, JOSS!!!!

Just needed to get that off my chest.


Bill Henson’s ‘art’ is still really fucking sick

October 5, 2008


Henson scouts schoolyards looking for children for his pornography.

I’ll bet anything that the principal in question in this story, was a man. Men buddying up and preying sexually on children in school yards. Lets hear it for sexual liberation and freedom from sexual repression!!!